Mounting volumes on Kubernetes

Hello my dear developers!

How do you feel today?

Lately I have been having problem when managing keys and configurations on Kubernetes. Since having volumes is a great way to do manage that I stated researching and stumbled across the following article.

Mounting volumes to kubernetes Pod container using helm chart – manikandank (

In my opinion the previous article isI very concise and informative

I hope you enjoyed the article as much as I did.

Happy coding and remember…there is life beyond coding🙂

Introduction to Kubernetes

Hello my dear developers!

How do you feel today?

I stumbled upon a very nice video that explianis the basics of kubernetes with docker for windows. It also explians how to take advantge of the kubernetes vs code extension to generete deployment (yaml) files.

I hope you enjoy this article as much as I did.

Happy coding and remember…there is life beyond coding